Hello to everybody!
I hope you are doing great! Okay, at first let's tell you about my week. Then... RETREAT!
On Tuesday it was the last Math Team exam. They are going to post the results soon, when they post them I will put the link. Until now, knowing the results of the last three exams, I am third in the Cumulative! I am so excited!
On Monday and Wednesday I spent pretty much all the days after school doing homework and projects. I am happy they are done, but now I have new ones.
On Thursday and Friday... Retreat! I absolutely loved it. We went to CrossRoads Ministry, a place where retreats take place, and we met Randy and Sam, our two Retreat Leaders. They were fantastic!
My friend Wilda and I |
At first, we went to a place where poor elderly people where to spend there the day. I met Wilda, Beverly, Peggy... All of them were fantastic, I enjoyed so much talking to them, sharing our experiences... I was sad when we had to leave. We had lunch there, and then we went to a day care to help with the kids. They were so cute! I met Kaleigh, Kaden, Terry, Madeline... It was fun playing with them like if I was four again.
To have dinner we went to Casa Latina, a place where Latino people can stay and get together to do workshops and know other people. The dinner was awesome, and I finally got to speak Spanish again! We were taking care of the kids while the women were in a workshop to know how to avoid physical and sexual abuse in their children. I am thinking about volunteering there, I already gave them my mail so they can send me the schedules and everything else. I am sure it will be a great opportunity to help others, know what they need and what their problems are. I felt so happy being with Gladis, Isis, María, Fernanda... All of them were really nice, and I am sure we are going to get along even better when I start volunteering there.
Emily, Momo, I, Kenny, and Emily |
We spent the night at CrossRoads (I had so much fun with all my friends!) and on Friday morning we went to a place where mentally disabled people are. I was dancing with them, listening to them, knowing what was going on, if they needed anything... I feel happy they were in that fantastic place, where they were being cared so much. Kenny, Carmen... all of them were people like you and me, with feelings and needs that also need to be fulfilled.
The last place we went to is the Soup Kitchen next to the Cathedral of Louisville, where people that do not have money to eat can have lunch and dinner. I was so sad there. I mean, I met two wonderful people: Saphera and Chester, who are from Wisconsin but came to Kentucky looking for somewhere to live after the farm they were living in was foreclosed by the bank. I was sad of hearing their stories, but also glad that they had someone to tell them to.
Just after that, we said bye bye and returned to school. After finishing telling you all what I did this week, I want to continue talking about the Retreat with you, at the end of this post.
On Friday we went to a Fish Fry, since it was Lent and we could not eat meat. It was nice, I love fish. On Saturday I did absolutely nothing. Well, that is not true. I did my homework, but I was so tired because of the Retreat, that I did not hang out with my friends or anything like that. Well, next weekend I will, don't worry.
On Sunday we went to Church (Happy St. Patrick's Day!) and then I returned to Eileen and Brian' house, my home. They came from New York. While they did not arrive (their flight was delayed) I was talking to Pat, their oldest son. I am really happy that I got to meet him during that time, he is really fantastic. We talked about a lot of things: he showed me on his computer the project he is working on for his thesis in Biochemistry, we talked about economy, languages, travelling, his college, my school... I am glad that we talked so much and met each other.
When Eileen and Brian arrived, it was so nice. They were really exhausted because of their trip, so we had dinner (that Pat cooked) and then went to bed. They got me two very pretty presents from New York: a key chain and several bracelets. They are so beautiful! I am really glad they are home.
I, Donna, Jenna, Dayna, and Jeff |
Being with Jeff, Donna, Jenna, Dayna, and Fluffy was awesome, we got to know each other and be friends. I really enjoy making friends, know people I can talk to and have fun with. I am very thankful with them because of giving me the opportunity to know them and allow me to be part of their family, even if they were just ten days. Now, when we go to the lake (they have with Eileen and Brian a house in the South of Kentucky, next to a lake) we are going to already know each other. Thank you so much for everything.
Our Retreat group: my friends |
The last thing I want to say in this really long post is that the Retreat was fantastic. Yes, I know I already said that so many times, but I am not going to get tired of repeating it. All the people we met were awesome, and I will remember them as my friends. My friend Wilda, my friend Kenny, my friend Isis... sharing our stories and meeting each other was great, and I am so glad I was part of this Retreat.
I believe that we can achieve a world in peace through knowing the problems that other people have, so we can understand and befriend them. Educating ourselves in a multicultural culture, as well as knowing the problems that some parts of society have, is essential, in my opinion, to make real the dream of having a peaceful, understanding, respectful society.
Now, I have to say bye. See you next Sunday!
Bye Bye!